I worked on it with my crowbar for good 15 minutes, It wiggles but just does not come off!
This is me slamming on the crowbar with a hummer, hoping that this would get the anchor out.
Eventually, I just gave up and glided off the anchor. I should have done that in the first place.
Then removed the drywalls that were blow where the floor level used to be. These walls are load bearing walls, so there should be thick plywood instead of drywall. What up with this? So I cut out plywood to the appropriate size and nails them there.
Here is what the wall looked like with the unnecessary drywall.
Also moved the location of the power outlets along the way.
This is how it looks like with the plywood in place.
By now, I was so beat, so I stopped working on this for the day.
On the following day, I leveled the concrete floor.
Can you tell that this is not level from this picture?
So I used "self leveling compound" to level this.
This is it. This bag weighs something like 50 pounds. I also preped things like bucket, brush, and so on.
Do you see the power drill with mix hook attached? This equipment is REQUIRED, if you are to do the same thing. (yes, it is blocked by the bucket. bad picture... wasn't really thinking when taking the picture)
what you need to do is to put the compound and 1.5 gallon of water into the bucket and mix them thoroughly. But you got do mix this in less than 2 minutes. This is where you use the power drill.
After 2 minutes, this compound will start getting hardened. So you need to pour and spread this on the floor. Then even this out with your deck brush. This is what it should look like.
In 10 minutes it hardened like hard lubber. by 60 minutes, it turned white and it was as hard as concrete,
Now that the base is level, I will put plywood floor the next.
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