On top of it, I only had this Saturday and Sunday to work on this. I'd better finished this in 2 days or else I was going to be really screwed.
If you compare this existing cabinet to my size, you can see how big it was. I thought it out before I got started, and I created a stand with 2 x 4 studs to be place right under neath of the cabinet, This way, even if anything happens, I know I am going to be safe and would protect the burners.
I started off with removing all the cabinet doors.

I removed the range hood, all the doors, ethernet cable and TV cable that were coming to this cabinet.
Then I removed the chimney and lastly, I started removing the screws that were attaching this cabinet to the wall and the ceiling.

This cabinet did not come off!!
Eventually, I discovered that on top of all the screws, there are structaul support between the cabinet and the wall, which really attached the cabinet to the wall very firmly. Removing that was another major work!!
I eventually managed to get it out.
The kitchen seem so big now.

I ended using whole day Saturday on removing this. When I finished all the work, it was getting dark outside.
The next day was hopefully to be the last day to work on this kitchen renovation project.
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